- Ric Flair to make a possible Return at SummerSlam What Kind of a roll will he have for the event.
- Shaq Reported to get a full time Contract more on that as the info becomes open to us
- Alan Snyder to possibly step down as CEO at the end of the Season. To focus more on the wrestling aspect of his final season in season 7. Possible replacement: Aaron Snyder, Triple H, Stone Cold and a few others
- Vile Was sopposed to Feud Jeff Hardy this season but due to the draft that might not happen. What will be on tap for these two superstars going into Season 6
- John Cena being rafted to Raw was big. But we still don;t know what the future might hold for Cena. More on that in the coming weeks.
- Ben Affleck Is said to host Raw again sometime at the start of the season.
- Cm Punk is said to get a push this season. What type of push has yet to be said
- DC has reported that they will be involved with Slam City. More WWE and DC colabs i think yes :D
- It has been reported that Batista's Leave could be worked. More info on this as it comes open.
- Bray Wyatt is said to Feud Kane This season. What will this lead to since it wasn;t long ago they were on the same pafe.
- Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins are said to have a tag Team Push since there other brothren Roman has signed to smackdown.
-Both Aaron Snyder and Jeff Hardy hold Money In the Bank and they are both on Smackdown. There could be a lot of tention here. what will come of it this season.
- Hayden the leader of the new Rev To face off face to face with Alan Snyder on the first Raw of the season. His Summerslam opponent will also be announced. Here are some predictions on who he might face, Triple H, Antonio Snyder, pretty much anybody from the new corp. list of people that it might be not in the new corp : Sting, Bobby Roode, Kevin Steen and the likes,
- Ryan Nathen is said to be staring in a movie at the end of 2015 more info to come soon.
- Stone Cold Is rumored to go through changes for next season what those changes my be we will have to find out