Sunday, July 6, 2014

Hayden and AJ?, Undertaker return?, Goldust, Paige, update on Alan and much more

Hayden Saxby has thrown two parties in the past few days. One was a hotel party, and a second was a post fourth of july cookout. Hayden was spotted various times by many witnesses as being with April Jeannette (AJ Lee). After the party witnesses outside claim they saw the two going to a hotel. The media has blown up on the possibility of a relationship.
John Parmalee: Lol, Hayden and AJ? More like Kane and Lita GIVE ME A BREAK
(102 likes, 62 comments)
Hayden rp'forthcomingimmensity saxbyrp: Hayden and AJ will take over WWERP BOI. Now I shall find an aj to date...
(35k likes, 2.5k comments)
Ew Hayden
Hayden is a desperate niggah

Undertaker has explained to many family members and close friends that he is pondering a comeback. WWE is gazing the possibility of Undertaker vs Alan or Undertake vs Kane possibly. Taker was last seen at a gym with his wife Michelle McCool in February.

Dolph Ziggler was spotted at an event with Samoa Joe. WWE creative seems to be fired up and plan to possibly depush Ziggler. The event is unknown and this rumor may be far from true. Stick around for more details.

Alan Snyder posted a picture on his instagram of him in the hospital. Much speculation is that Alan has reinjured his back. A surgeon released his medical records to WWE and possible career ending back surgery is a possibility.

WWE congratulates Scott Hall for reaching a milestone of one full year of being clean of not doing any drugs or alcohol. Hall was released from WWE in 2002 and before wrestlemania I (RP I) for his abuse of drugs.
WWE plans to roll the dice on an idea of Paige and Goldust being a powerful duo. Not much details here
WWE creative has deuled the past few weeks on what to do with the Big Show for WWERP season V. Ideas such as him going on a wrecking path, wwe champion, going on a losing streak, and becoming a evil gm have been discussed

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