Friday, August 1, 2014

WWE Comic Con 2014 Full Coverage!

WWE had their official comic con panel on Sunday, and I'm here with a full report!


- Alan Snyder arrives and hangs out with fans. He takes selfies and talks to multiple people.

- Snyder gets on the stage and welcomes everyone to the panel. He says they're gonna have a lot of fun and then covers what they will be showing and he explains they have a few surprises as well.

- Zack Poe, Anthony Chandler, Eellis, and Paul Star come out to big reactions.

- They start off with questions. Paul Star gets asked his favorite food. He says it's pussy and everybody laughs.

- Anthony Chandler is asked about NXT and who he thinks is the breakout star there. Chandler says its Antonio Cesaro and goes on to say the most underrated guy on the roster is Dan Mendel.

- Zack Poe gets asked about working with Hogan. Poe says Hogan is a good man and fun to work with. He was about to say Hogan was his favorite WrestleMania opponent when Chandler coughed and him and Poe stared at each other. The crowd laughed at this.

- Eellis is asked about his US Title reign. He says he was supposed to hold the title until SummerSlam of that year but plans changed. Eellis looks over at Alan and they share a laugh with the crowd as well.

- Alan gets asked about filming Snyder 2. He says filming of Snyder 2 did less of a physical toll on him than filming of the first film did. He then gets asked about Snyder 3 and says his lips are sealed.

- Chandler gets asked about his favorite feud. He cites his feud with Chris Jericho and The Nexus.

- The superstars take more questions for another hour or so, before Alan stops the Q&A and announces he has something special for the crowd. 

- We get a teaser trailer for SNYDER 3. The teaser starts with an overhead view of a forest. We get a closer view and see police searching the forest. They reach a swamp and then skid to a stop. We see a huge figure that looks like SNYDER...with a voice mask as well. The figure says SNYDER is his, and this is no longer a mission for the police. The figure turns around and it is revealed to be Antonio Snyder. The logo appears as the teaser ends and the crowd goes nuts from seeing this. 

-We get an intermission and Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall, and Kevin Nash arrive. They get on stage and cut an in-character promo about how WWE may have taken their jobs but they haven't taken their freedom. Hogan looks worried. Soon, Hogan gets in an argument with Nash and Hall. He says he has no problem with the WWE anymore. Nash and Hall try to jump Hogan but Hogan deals with them both and throws them both off the stage to big pops. 

- Later on, we get a re-run of WWE's "Hunger Games" web series. After the showing, we get a preview of the next episode. The preview shows Hayden standing on a mountain. We see an arrow come at him in slow motion and he ducks under it. He turns around and we see Jonathan Ayers standing there with a bow and arrow. He lifts it up again, at Hayden's face, and the screen cuts out. This preview got a big pop.

- We go back to the stage and Alan Snyder is there. He talks about the oncoming season and says there will be major changes. He invites out Paul Heyman and Heyman comes out to a pop. Heyman goes on a speech and reintroduces ECW, which gets a huge pop out of the audience. 

- Alan announces that ECW will air on Wednesdays at 6 PM on SyFy. He announces that ECW will not only have the ECW title, but an ECW Tag Team Title as well. A 'Thank You Snyder' chant comes out as Alan tells the crowd they deserve this and no thanks is needed. 

- Near the end of WWE's comic con 2014 we get a match with Zack Poe and Rey Mysterio. The match was described as an intense 4 star match and surprised many. Poe won the match. After the match, Alan says he hopes everyone had fun and they will stick around for signings. 

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