Saturday, July 19, 2014

Where is Alan Snyder, update on CM Punk, The Miz, Christian speaks out, more.

For the fans who have recently heard the reports of Alan possibly retiring, I am here to say those rumors are indeed false. Alan has been overseas doing promotional work for his new movie Snyder 2. Many conflicting reports came out yesterday that Alan's disappearance was the result of him considering hanging up his boots. Alan tweeted just five hours ago 


In china promoting my movie brotha #I;mgunnakillu

 CM Punk reportedly still has no plans for Summerslam. But, word around the WWE states that he would "love" to challenge John Cena. WWE has plans for him to face AJ Styles possibly as AJ still doesn't have an opponent. Punk made a huge resurgence of his career last season after a 5 star feud with Goldust, and many rivalries with the Big Show. 
The Miz has suddenly become famous again on social media again after his shoot promos in foreign countries. Twitter has exploded with memes of the Miz, hashtags, and Miz has even recently gained north of 50,000 followers. 

WWE has decided to take no action on the Miz. They let this one slide and it seems that it has improved his fan base majorly. I expect the Miz to make more promos like the one he made in Japan. 

 At demand of most to you guys, I have finally received an update on former World Champion Jack Swagger. Finally recovering from a devastating wrist injury that shelfed him him for a bit, Swagger has been granted a new WWE contract. WWE doesn't know where he will fit yet, but the longest reigning US champion may be getting a push.

WWE recently has tried numerous times to contact Christian after he walked away from the company. Recent reports say he has been refusing to answer any calls. He stated on Twitter he was tired of losing every single night and deserves better. TNA has remained highly interested as they need talent to open their season after having a pretty good season last year with Chris Coleman, Matt Morgan, Scott Hall, and Jeff Jarrett running things. Christian to TNA is the most likely thing to happen seeing as he is really big to TNA fans and backstage personnel.

Hayden Saxby and Ellen Page have been confirmed a talk show called "Elden" which will talk about all things WWE. Ellen Page a recent hiring by the WWE has had a very good relationship with Hayden in recent days. Hayden praises Ellen for the work she has done so far. They do cling as they hosted the award show. 

Mike Muncy posted on Twitter his return date to the WWE . 



Eellis has been receiving praise backstage for his recent work with Rush and as European Champion. I've been told his title reign will be lengthy and it'll be a while before he loses the European Championship. WWE believes Eellis could very well be a top star in the company.

Filming for Hayden, Rush, and Zack's new movie continues to take filming with more pictures leaking online. This picture is a scene where Hayden almost gets married but then the wedding gets busted and objected. More details of the plot will be posted as filming progresses.


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