Monday, July 14, 2014

Who are the top merchandise sellers? Zack Poe talks backstage politics, award winners tweet, more

Zack Poe continues to dominate merchandise sales in 2014. So far, he has topped them in December 2013, January 2014, March, April, May, June, and so far July. In February, he tied with then World Heavyweight Champion Batista for top merchandise sales. Alan topped the merchandise sales from April 2012 all the way to November 2013. Since then, he has switched in and out of second place with Cena and Batista.
The current top 10 looks like this:
1. Zack Poe 
2. Alan Snyder 
3. John Cena 
4. Batista 
5.AJ Styles
6. Kurt Angle 
7. CM Punk
8. Paul Star
9. Sheamus 
10. Ric Flair
CM Punk's sales went up after his feud and WrestleMania match with Triple H. Kurt Angle's went up after his return at the Royal Rumble, feud with the UK, and his ECW title win. Paul Star's went down after his injury on RAW, as he dropped from 5 place to 8 place in 2 months. This is the first time Ric Flair has been in the merchandise sales list at all since 2008. Batista was in 3rd place in June but the confirmation of Cena's heel turn at Insurrextion bumped Cena up to 3rd for July.

Zack Poe recently appeared as a guest on Anthony Chandler's blog and talked backstage politics, Alex Riley, Season II and more. He also talked about Hayden Saxby. Here is a highlight: 
"I'm not fully the problem. We really did switch places, though. It's just the management realized he was pushed too fast and a bunch of other guys were getting pushed so he basically got shoved to the back. Me and Anthony would go on about how Hayden is an uninspirational character, I even took his title reigns out of history at one point (it's back now) but I got my push and then when I brought Zarge in, I saw him rise and fall, it made me realize what being Hayden was like and I still didn't like Hayden's character. I recently agreed to let him have a comeback, but he won't go directly to the main event. I don't think he will anytime soon. I agreed if they would build him like they built me. Not to be face of WWE of course *Chuckles* but perhaps a top heel someday. Me and Hayden had this feud on and off-screen after his...former girlfriend came to me. It made a good mini-rivalry, and a nice twist after WrestleMania, seeing as I left Revolution in a backstage segment on ECW to befriend Hayden. We're good now, actually very good friends now. Neeext." You can see the full interview at this link.
 Several WWE stars tweeted about their award wins on Twitter.

Alan Snyder: "Such an honor to get so much respect from the wwe fans. u guys r the reason im here not to be cliche but its true :)"
CM Punk: "Had a blast tonight. Comeback of the season? Glad you all feel this way."
Zack Poe: "If you ask me why I do it...I do it...for the Poelice. #Poelice #BestWrestler"
Shaquille O'Neal: "WOOF WOOF had fun at the awards and yeah I'M A GOOD COMMENTATOR SUCK IT HATERS #SHAQFU"
Ric Flair: "WOOOOO!! Greatest of all time baby NO OFFENSE TO MAH BOI ALAN WOOOOO!"
Hayden Saxby: This is just the start of the surprises to come #THECOMEBACK #Forrealthistimetho"

While original plans for Season V didn't have The Miz involved in any big plans, Miz's recent boost of popularity on social media and his "comeback" campaign have changed WWE's plans. They can't simply ignore him, especially with other celebrities like Johnny Manziel and Derek Jeter supporting The Miz. I can confirm that recent changes to the Season V plans have put Miz in a bigger role and I've been told that he'll be among one of the top heels this season. 

There have been reports of Christian walking out on a WWE live event a few weeks ago. I have gotten word that this was not a work and Christian was extremely upset about him jobbing and still having to work during the off-season while doing nothing but jobbing. Christian has been upset with WWE for months now and the fact that he didn't win at WrestleMania only frustrated him more. Christian is at home right now and is not answering any of WWE's calls.


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