Friday, July 4, 2014

Nathen and Cranes future, Poe grants wish & is the 2-Day format returning?

Regarding the future of Ryan Nathen and Jonathan Crane, it is believed backstage that the two will remain together throughout season five, with a split happening on the RAW after WrestleMania V. WWE sees bright things in Nathen and they plan to push him heavily, so don't be surprised if Ryan becomes World Heavyweight, or even WWE champion, soon. WWE sees him as a suitable replacement for guys like Alan and the Revolution members. As for what Crane will do after the split-up, it is said that Crane will be sticking around as WWE sees a lot of potentional in him as an on-screen talent. 

Zack Poe granted his 55th wish today for the Make a Wish foundation. This time, he granted the wish of a 12 year old girl suffering from cancer. Her dream was to make an entrance down the ramp with Poe. Poe granted that wish before the cameras started rolling at the Insurrextion Pay Per View. It was reported that he got a standing ovation and much respect from the live crowd and even people backstage. 

There has been some talk backstage if whether the 2-day RAWs would be returning or not. The idea is that the first few months will feature one day RAWs, but towards the Royal Rumble the 2-day RAWs would make a comeback. WWE is expected to release an official word before the end of July.

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