Thursday, July 17, 2014

New WWE Studios movie begins filming, update on Alan, Eve, more

WWE Studios has began filming it's new film "The Dynamic Trio". The plot follows Hayden (Hayden Saxby), Zack Seltic (Zack Poe), and Leon Rush (Rush) as they form an unlikely alliance to take down a mob boss (Alan Snyder) who they are in debt with. The photo above (with Hayden Saxby) was taken by a WWE fan who got onto the set and snapped a few pictures.
Zack Poe on set, tweeted by director Jonah Hill

Promotional image of Leon Rush released by WWE

Alan has returned to action and has came back in a big way. At a recent live event, Batista appeared and made an open challenge. Suprising to the crowd, Alan came out and accepted the challenge. The match was insanely good and should squash all rumors of Alan not having the ability to wrestle anymore. 

Results from live event: 
 Hayden cuts a strong promo to open the show 
 Seth Rollins def. Brian Kendrick Antonio Snyder, 
Rush, and Ayers def. Ryan Nathan, Simon Dean, and Maven 
Scott Hall def. Cm Punk by DQ 
Alan Snyder and Batista wrestle to a double countout 

Ryback returning at a live event

 Backstage has pondered the idea of whether or not to have a Alan and Ryback feud. Ryback has a history of injuring former talents, and wwe is scared to place him in the ring with Snyder who is rehabing a bad back injury. Alan has stated he wants to face Ryback, Ryback said the same about Alan. Interesting fact is, this is also boiling over on Twitter as both have continued to talk OOC trash about one another. 

Aftermath of Muncy's DDP Yoga program.
Mike Muncy has officially graduated from the DDP drug rehab program. WWE has granted him with a new contract shall he make a full return. Muncy has made an announcement which can be found on his website. 

 Eve has officially retired as an inring wrestler. This has also lead to a possible break up with her and Zack Poe. Not a lot of news has been released, but we wish Eve the best in her future. 

WWE champion Aj Styles continues to have no plans for Summerslam. Speculation around creative that possible ideas may be the Big Show, Paul Star, or worst case scenario Goldust. Big Show and Goldust currently have no plans at the Summers biggest event, meanwhile Paul Star has a scheduled match against Brock Lesnar. Though there has been talk of holding an Elimination Chamber or a singles match between John Cena and AJ Styles.
Photo of Miz's shoot promo.
 The Miz cut a surprising Shoot Promo at a Japan world tour event. Using harsh words towards creative claiming they never booked him in the right manner. He also stated he's a better performer than nearly 80% of the talent on the roster. He got a standing ovation from the crowd and 'we want Miz' chants skyrocketed during intermission. WWE is looking heavily into the situation. 
Big Johnny making his entrance at WM IV's pre-show
Big Johnny is still under contract with WWE and is set up to be a supervisor of Alan's. The idea is that this could lead to a heel turn for Alan.

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