Saturday, September 27, 2014

WWE Rumors 9-27-14

- Possible ECW Hall of Fame Some of the people that were mentioned were Tazz, Tommy Dreamer, Christian, Sandman, Sabu, Paul Haymen even. More on this as time goes on.

- Snyder 2 has grossed 1.6 billion since it's opening 2 weeks ago. What more surprises does the Snyder Series has left to give.

- Rumor has it that a big international talent has signed up for ECW. Who that is only time will tell.

- More covers for WWERP2K15 said to be announced soon. We will keep you updated on this

- CM Punk is said to be getting a lot of backstage heat as of late. He has even had high tension with Alan Snyder and a lot of the big stars in the back. Maybe this his way of saying it's my time around here

- Dean Amberose has stated many times he wants a feud with Alan when Alan returns. But what will come of it is yet to be seen

- Big Show has been seen around arenas lurking around the shadows and keeping a low profile. Big show has stated that he is coming a long with injury rehab. Maybe this is the calm before the storm.

- John Cena is said to be in the house on Raw this next monday after being away since his match with Triple H at Ground Zero. What will he have to say find out on Raw. 

- Sting is said tobe involved with something big at ReVolution we don;t know yet what it is but we could fine out as early as Monday Night on Raw

- Racardo Rodriqize was seen being droven through the tron last night on smackdown. There has been no updates on his condition. But we will keep you informed once we get some info

1 comment:

  1. Brucie's Opinion: Happy for Snyder 2. Glad to see big things for WWE Studios and the Snyder franchise in general. Truly revolutionary.
