Friday, November 21, 2014

Alan Snyder gives HUGE update on TNA Impact, Roster Revealed, 3 new wrestling games announced and MORE!

Alan Snyder has posted a mega update on WWE.COM about the future of Impact Wrestling, the rebranding, the new roster, the first set of shows and 4 new Impact/WWE related games.

Snyder announced that Impact will retain the usual stage set they had before going bankrupt, with 'WWE' logos now being placed around the arena. Impact shows will no longer be taped and will be broadcast live. The roster will be retained as Alan has spent the past month signing new deals for wrestlers and personnel. Snyder also announced some highlights for the new episode, which will be titled "Rebirth". 

  • Impact Wrestling is back in it's new home with the WWE! 
  • Alan Snyder will open the first Impact Wrestling show, announcing a new Impact General Manager. Who will it be? 
  • James Storm takes on Tag Team Champion Davey Richards, who will come out on top?
  • WWE superstars visit the Impact Zone as Cruiseweight Champion Seth Rollins takes on X Division champion Suicide in a Impact vs WWE exclusive! 
  • Much more exciting Impact action!
  • In the main event, for the first time ever, WWE's World Heavyweight Champion Batista takes teams with Impact World Heavyweight Champion Bobby Roode to take on Dean Ambrose and Samuel Shaw in a blockbuster tag team match! 
 Along with that, Snyder also gave us the first official look at the new Impact Wrestling game, with the WWE logo present and featuring Bobby Roode. The game is set to be released in the summer of 2015 during WWE's off-season. Snyder said he will announce more details in early 2015.
The CEO then announced that a new 'SmackDown vs RAW' game was in the works, and that it will be completely separate from "WWE 2K16". He said that the game will serve as more of a throwback for classic WWE fans, featuring an all star roster of people from the Attitude and Ruthless Aggression eras, with arenas spanning from 1999 all the way to 2008. Snyder described that the main storyline of the game will be long, and will feature three sections. The Attitude Era, which starts on the first episode of SmackDown in 1999 where Triple H takes on The Rock, and go all the way to March 2002 when the Brand Extension occurred. It will NOT be a historical mode, as wins and losses branch out different story modes and outcomes. You will be able to play as an Attitude Era superstar of your choice. After you complete that section, Snyder says you will unlock the Ruthless Aggression Era (also referred to as the Brand Extension), which starts in March 2002 with the first WWE draft taking place. Again, different storylines than what happened in real life will play out, and the champions that you ended the Attitude Era section with will carry over. This mode goes all the way to 2008, and once it is completed you will unlock the final mode. The final mode, World War WWE, will take place in the year 2008 and feature the Attitude Era's best (Team SmackDown!), lead by the wrestler you played as in the Attitude Era section, coming back to take on the best of the Ruthless Aggression wrestlers (Team RAW), who will be lead by the wrestler you played as in the Ruthless Aggression section. Snyder said that the game has a targeted release of 2015, but he has no specific date as of now. He also confirmed a few playable characters, those being The Rock, The Undertaker, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, and Goldberg. Alan said he is trying to get the developers to reach a roster of over 200 wrestlers. Snyder announced a General Manager mode will be present, and said he will have more details and more mode announcements soon.

Alan said that WWE 2K16 is in the works, and announced that MyCareer will be returning, and said that you have the ability to play as official WWE superstars in the mode. He also teased more story modes and a 2015 release date.

Matthew Ehlert return rumors are speculating, and it's said that he might be out longer than expected. Matthew had to go for yet another surgery, this time on a disc in his neck. It's believed that he may be out for 6 months to a year. Matthew has been training hard and hopes to be back in time for the Royal Rumble event. 

Next Monday on RAW, the Best in The World tournament continues as Chris Jericho takes on Kurt Angle to wrap up Round 1, while The Miz takes on CM Punk, with Eellis teasing that he will be at commentary. 
NXT General Manager MVP took to Twitter to call out United States Champion Dolph Ziggler. MVP previously held the longest US Title reign under the WWE banner. This fuels the rumors of a future MVP and Dolph Ziggler feud. 

When asked when he will return to in-ring action, all Jon The Cat Hardy replied with was "Soon.."

The Rock is being advertized for RAW next week, and I have gotten word that he will respond to Stone Cold's promo and call out Austin along with Randy Orton.
Here are the WWE live event results for 11/21:
  1. The show opens with HBK cutting a promo in the ring. Big Z comes out to confront him to a huge pop and tells HBK off. HBK gets pissed and challenges Z to a match. 
  2. Big Z and Shawn Michaels fight to a no contest after Ted Jr and Riley Young attacked them. Triple H and Kenchi came out to make the save. 
  3. Dolph Ziggler defeated Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins in a Triple Threat Match. 
  4. Ryan Nathen and Rush came out to cut a promo. They were once again interrupted by Swagger who this time came out with Zeb. Zeb ripped into Ryan and called him a phoney and more. JC stepped in and had a war of words with Zeb. It eventually ended with Rush and Ryan attempting to jump Swagger but Swagger overpowering them and laying them out to close the segment. 
  5. The Miz and Christian defeated Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins. Miz and Christian got an insane pop. 
  6. Drew McIntyre and Batista defeated Sheamus and Dean Ambrose after Ambrose went crazy and had to be escorted out, leaving Sheamus alone. 
  7. Alan Snyder, Chris Jericho, Ric Flair and The Big Show defeated Eellistopia (E, Henry, Lashley) and CM Punk in the main event to send the crowd home happy.

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