Tuesday, November 18, 2014


1. Alan Snyder reveals that there will be a TNA Video Game coming out in 2015

2. Zack Poe is said to have a gimmick Change and have a 2nd feud with Hulk Hogan

3.  Austin Aries said to get a minor push. what kind of push is yet to be announced

4. The Undertaker has been seen in the gym with Scott Hall as of late could there be 1 last run for the deadman

5. Snyder to be a villain in the Batman Comics More info on this as time goes on

6. There is a rumor that JBL has contacted a special tag team partner to challenge Rush and Eellis.

7. Vile is slated to return at Next weeks raw. This would make his first appearance back since his match with Aaron Snyder on ECW.

8 . Bobby Roode is rumored to make his Smackdown debut

9. Josh Knight will make his debut after Best In the World. What could this new superstar bring to the table

10 . Sting is rumored to get a push this season what kind of push is yet to be seen

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