Saturday, November 15, 2014

BreakDown! Interviews, Featurettes, More! Episode 1!

Welcome to the first episode of BreakDown! A blog where me and my comrades "break down" superstars, "Where They Are Nows", interviews and more! Let's get going!
We go over the current status of former WWE wrestler, Hayden Saxby.
We sat down and interviewed Zack Poe...not the wrestler, the person.
Where is Hayden?

You may wonder where Hayden is right now. After preparing for one of the greatest returns of all time, where the hell is he? Many reports have said he was injured but he took to Twitter recently to adress that he's absolutely fine. So what is going on?

Hayden was spotted in England recently. Hayden who joined the military was falsely sent to Britain where he got into some heavy trouble with their government and was imprisoned. He posted a Tweet saying "1-5-14". We don't know what that means, but it could mean a return.

We then ask ourselves, how many times is this kid going to return. Rather It be injuries, court cases, drug suspensions, jail time, dissapearance. When is this kid going to return? The crazy part about this is, he's still only 23 years old. In the prime of his career. We know he has the ability and the it factor, but the fact he can't stay in the ring is huge. When he does return how long do we expect him to stay? Many guys actually miss him, after all the heat he had gotten in season 3. A superstar who didn't want his name revealed stated "I wish he'd come back already, one of the most talented guys in the compamy."

There is obviously a huge risk to having Saxby on the roster. He never stays long term, he never fits into a storyline, a bunch of heat, Injuty prone. But when he is there and on top of his game he has proven to be a A+ player. We look back to his match with Edge at the beginning of the season. Where Edge mentioned after that "The kid has it in him to do this he really does".

We believe the major issue is his relationships with guys like Zack Poe and Alan Snyder. Major faces in this company he's never gotten along with. While he has gotten along with the McMahons and Bischoff, he can't get along with Poe or Snyder. Many reports suggest Poe was warning the company of the risk Hayden brings and the many outside of the company fights the two had gotten into. Along with Snyder who Hayden claims was holding him back, always.

Besides the point. Will we ever see Hayden come back and shut the critics up? Or forever be in the hole that guys like Scott Hall, Chris Coleman, and even Bret Hart have suffered. Always in a scandal, and always In the wrong place at the wrong time. Reminder the kid is still 23. It's not like he's 40 at the end of a career. Time will tell.

Zack Poe talks about the world.

We sat down with huge WWE star and movie star Zack Poe. Who has been living the life in the last couple of years. But no this interview was not about the WWE or wrestling or even his acting career. It was about world events,. Strange but unique.

Interviewer: Hello there Mr. Poe. How is it going?

Zack: *Chuckles* It’s been good

Interviewer: First question, I'm sure you have heard about Ebola. What is your take on this virus and how does it affect you?

Zack: I think it's over-hyped. It's not the type of virus to flow through the air, it's a transitional virus. I mean, if you're in Africa, it's a lot more dangerous there, but if you're in America, I wouldn't worry about it. To be honest, it's the least of my worries.

Interviewer: Interesting, do you think it has anything to do with the government?

Zack:'s a good thing to think about. I highly doubt it. I mean, how does any virus start? It could be something as simple as infected water, or an experiment gone wrong.

Interviewer: Smart thinking, Here’s a simple and easy one. What would in your opinion make this world a better place to live on?

Zack: Jesus. No, but seriously, I think peace would make it a lot better. What if people weren't so...bad? There's good people, and there's bad people, imagine if there were only good people. Who didn't try to scam you, cause a war. We wouldn't have so many shootings or crimes, or wars. The countries would leave each other alone. Peace is something everyone needs.

Interviewer: If there was one thing you could do to bring peace, what would that be?

Zack: I'd do whatever in my power to possibly get America to sign some treaties. IT wouldn't hurt, America doesn't need anything from anywhere, besides a less amount of war.

Interviewer: What if I told you America wasn’t number 1? What would you say to that one?

Zack: It was once was. I'm highly aware, because the government screwed everything up, we're highly in debt. I think Russia is doing pretty good for themselves, but I wouldn't go there. I'd go to Canada if I had to leave America.

Interviewer: What makes Canada so “great” in your opinion?

Zack: Well, the biggest thing that makes them great, is that they leave everything alone. They don't really interact with any countries, they avoid war, they're a pretty safe country.

Interviewer: Pretty good answer, who was your huge idol growing up?

Zack: John Cena. He inspired me to become a WWE superstar, but as I got older, I got more into Bret Hart. Cena inspires me to entertain, Hart inspires me to wrestle.

Interviewer: Was there like a fantasy thing you wanted to do before you realized wrestling is what you wanted to do?

Zack: Well, I wanted to rap at one point, sometimes I still do, but my passion for wrestling is bigger. I always told myself I wanted to be a doctor for the money, but when I turned 10, I knew that's what I didn't wanna do, just because I didn't find it interesting, you know.

Interviewer: Ha, everyone wanted to be a doctor. Last question, sports. Sports have begun it’s takeover. With most of the world into sports hat is YOUR opinion on Sports.

Zack: Sports is really taking a boom, kinda like the 80's wrestling boom. I think its a bit overrated sometimes, but I like watching football, NFL to be specific, not really big on college football unless it's the Ohio/Michigan game. Not a huge fan of playing sports, though.

Interviewer: Thanks for your time!

Where they are now?

Carlito: After his short stint in WWERP he decided to quit wrestling all together and become a plumber? Yes a plumber. Crazy right?

Jake The Snake Roberts: After getting into a fight with Alan Snyder and being released from the company the old guy opened his own wrestling company with guys like Tommy Dreamer, Scott Hall, Austin Aries, and David Silva appearing in the company

Jonathon Ayers: After realizing wrestling isn’t for him, he became a college professor. He has taught kids such as LeBron James’ son, Mick Foleys daughter, and Jillian Hall’s cousin.

MVP: The once ballin’ superstar is literally ballin’ right now. MVP has become a professional bowler and is on his way to his first championship possibly.

Kevin Nash: Nash has bought a beach where he spends his days relaxing, watching the sunset, and taking long long walks on the beach.

Colin Delaney: You will never guess this one. Delaney is actually a bodybuilder and in the best shape of his life!

Finlay: He stayed in America and has a real boring job. He directs train traffic.

Kenny Dykstra: He became a rapper named “Crackerjack”

Charlie Haas: Rotting in prison after purchasing illegal steroids.

Jackie Gayda: Opened a smoothie shop. Batista has mention that the smoothies are better than your prototypical cup of joe!

Boogeyman: He has his own haircut shop located in New Zealand!

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