Saturday, July 19, 2014

Where is Alan Snyder, update on CM Punk, The Miz, Christian speaks out, more.

For the fans who have recently heard the reports of Alan possibly retiring, I am here to say those rumors are indeed false. Alan has been overseas doing promotional work for his new movie Snyder 2. Many conflicting reports came out yesterday that Alan's disappearance was the result of him considering hanging up his boots. Alan tweeted just five hours ago 


In china promoting my movie brotha #I;mgunnakillu

 CM Punk reportedly still has no plans for Summerslam. But, word around the WWE states that he would "love" to challenge John Cena. WWE has plans for him to face AJ Styles possibly as AJ still doesn't have an opponent. Punk made a huge resurgence of his career last season after a 5 star feud with Goldust, and many rivalries with the Big Show. 
The Miz has suddenly become famous again on social media again after his shoot promos in foreign countries. Twitter has exploded with memes of the Miz, hashtags, and Miz has even recently gained north of 50,000 followers. 

WWE has decided to take no action on the Miz. They let this one slide and it seems that it has improved his fan base majorly. I expect the Miz to make more promos like the one he made in Japan. 

 At demand of most to you guys, I have finally received an update on former World Champion Jack Swagger. Finally recovering from a devastating wrist injury that shelfed him him for a bit, Swagger has been granted a new WWE contract. WWE doesn't know where he will fit yet, but the longest reigning US champion may be getting a push.

WWE recently has tried numerous times to contact Christian after he walked away from the company. Recent reports say he has been refusing to answer any calls. He stated on Twitter he was tired of losing every single night and deserves better. TNA has remained highly interested as they need talent to open their season after having a pretty good season last year with Chris Coleman, Matt Morgan, Scott Hall, and Jeff Jarrett running things. Christian to TNA is the most likely thing to happen seeing as he is really big to TNA fans and backstage personnel.

Hayden Saxby and Ellen Page have been confirmed a talk show called "Elden" which will talk about all things WWE. Ellen Page a recent hiring by the WWE has had a very good relationship with Hayden in recent days. Hayden praises Ellen for the work she has done so far. They do cling as they hosted the award show. 

Mike Muncy posted on Twitter his return date to the WWE . 



Eellis has been receiving praise backstage for his recent work with Rush and as European Champion. I've been told his title reign will be lengthy and it'll be a while before he loses the European Championship. WWE believes Eellis could very well be a top star in the company.

Filming for Hayden, Rush, and Zack's new movie continues to take filming with more pictures leaking online. This picture is a scene where Hayden almost gets married but then the wedding gets busted and objected. More details of the plot will be posted as filming progresses.


Thursday, July 17, 2014

New WWE Studios movie begins filming, update on Alan, Eve, more

WWE Studios has began filming it's new film "The Dynamic Trio". The plot follows Hayden (Hayden Saxby), Zack Seltic (Zack Poe), and Leon Rush (Rush) as they form an unlikely alliance to take down a mob boss (Alan Snyder) who they are in debt with. The photo above (with Hayden Saxby) was taken by a WWE fan who got onto the set and snapped a few pictures.
Zack Poe on set, tweeted by director Jonah Hill

Promotional image of Leon Rush released by WWE

Alan has returned to action and has came back in a big way. At a recent live event, Batista appeared and made an open challenge. Suprising to the crowd, Alan came out and accepted the challenge. The match was insanely good and should squash all rumors of Alan not having the ability to wrestle anymore. 

Results from live event: 
 Hayden cuts a strong promo to open the show 
 Seth Rollins def. Brian Kendrick Antonio Snyder, 
Rush, and Ayers def. Ryan Nathan, Simon Dean, and Maven 
Scott Hall def. Cm Punk by DQ 
Alan Snyder and Batista wrestle to a double countout 

Ryback returning at a live event

 Backstage has pondered the idea of whether or not to have a Alan and Ryback feud. Ryback has a history of injuring former talents, and wwe is scared to place him in the ring with Snyder who is rehabing a bad back injury. Alan has stated he wants to face Ryback, Ryback said the same about Alan. Interesting fact is, this is also boiling over on Twitter as both have continued to talk OOC trash about one another. 

Aftermath of Muncy's DDP Yoga program.
Mike Muncy has officially graduated from the DDP drug rehab program. WWE has granted him with a new contract shall he make a full return. Muncy has made an announcement which can be found on his website. 

 Eve has officially retired as an inring wrestler. This has also lead to a possible break up with her and Zack Poe. Not a lot of news has been released, but we wish Eve the best in her future. 

WWE champion Aj Styles continues to have no plans for Summerslam. Speculation around creative that possible ideas may be the Big Show, Paul Star, or worst case scenario Goldust. Big Show and Goldust currently have no plans at the Summers biggest event, meanwhile Paul Star has a scheduled match against Brock Lesnar. Though there has been talk of holding an Elimination Chamber or a singles match between John Cena and AJ Styles.
Photo of Miz's shoot promo.
 The Miz cut a surprising Shoot Promo at a Japan world tour event. Using harsh words towards creative claiming they never booked him in the right manner. He also stated he's a better performer than nearly 80% of the talent on the roster. He got a standing ovation from the crowd and 'we want Miz' chants skyrocketed during intermission. WWE is looking heavily into the situation. 
Big Johnny making his entrance at WM IV's pre-show
Big Johnny is still under contract with WWE and is set up to be a supervisor of Alan's. The idea is that this could lead to a heel turn for Alan.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Who are the top merchandise sellers? Zack Poe talks backstage politics, award winners tweet, more

Zack Poe continues to dominate merchandise sales in 2014. So far, he has topped them in December 2013, January 2014, March, April, May, June, and so far July. In February, he tied with then World Heavyweight Champion Batista for top merchandise sales. Alan topped the merchandise sales from April 2012 all the way to November 2013. Since then, he has switched in and out of second place with Cena and Batista.
The current top 10 looks like this:
1. Zack Poe 
2. Alan Snyder 
3. John Cena 
4. Batista 
5.AJ Styles
6. Kurt Angle 
7. CM Punk
8. Paul Star
9. Sheamus 
10. Ric Flair
CM Punk's sales went up after his feud and WrestleMania match with Triple H. Kurt Angle's went up after his return at the Royal Rumble, feud with the UK, and his ECW title win. Paul Star's went down after his injury on RAW, as he dropped from 5 place to 8 place in 2 months. This is the first time Ric Flair has been in the merchandise sales list at all since 2008. Batista was in 3rd place in June but the confirmation of Cena's heel turn at Insurrextion bumped Cena up to 3rd for July.

Zack Poe recently appeared as a guest on Anthony Chandler's blog and talked backstage politics, Alex Riley, Season II and more. He also talked about Hayden Saxby. Here is a highlight: 
"I'm not fully the problem. We really did switch places, though. It's just the management realized he was pushed too fast and a bunch of other guys were getting pushed so he basically got shoved to the back. Me and Anthony would go on about how Hayden is an uninspirational character, I even took his title reigns out of history at one point (it's back now) but I got my push and then when I brought Zarge in, I saw him rise and fall, it made me realize what being Hayden was like and I still didn't like Hayden's character. I recently agreed to let him have a comeback, but he won't go directly to the main event. I don't think he will anytime soon. I agreed if they would build him like they built me. Not to be face of WWE of course *Chuckles* but perhaps a top heel someday. Me and Hayden had this feud on and off-screen after his...former girlfriend came to me. It made a good mini-rivalry, and a nice twist after WrestleMania, seeing as I left Revolution in a backstage segment on ECW to befriend Hayden. We're good now, actually very good friends now. Neeext." You can see the full interview at this link.
 Several WWE stars tweeted about their award wins on Twitter.

Alan Snyder: "Such an honor to get so much respect from the wwe fans. u guys r the reason im here not to be cliche but its true :)"
CM Punk: "Had a blast tonight. Comeback of the season? Glad you all feel this way."
Zack Poe: "If you ask me why I do it...I do it...for the Poelice. #Poelice #BestWrestler"
Shaquille O'Neal: "WOOF WOOF had fun at the awards and yeah I'M A GOOD COMMENTATOR SUCK IT HATERS #SHAQFU"
Ric Flair: "WOOOOO!! Greatest of all time baby NO OFFENSE TO MAH BOI ALAN WOOOOO!"
Hayden Saxby: This is just the start of the surprises to come #THECOMEBACK #Forrealthistimetho"

While original plans for Season V didn't have The Miz involved in any big plans, Miz's recent boost of popularity on social media and his "comeback" campaign have changed WWE's plans. They can't simply ignore him, especially with other celebrities like Johnny Manziel and Derek Jeter supporting The Miz. I can confirm that recent changes to the Season V plans have put Miz in a bigger role and I've been told that he'll be among one of the top heels this season. 

There have been reports of Christian walking out on a WWE live event a few weeks ago. I have gotten word that this was not a work and Christian was extremely upset about him jobbing and still having to work during the off-season while doing nothing but jobbing. Christian has been upset with WWE for months now and the fact that he didn't win at WrestleMania only frustrated him more. Christian is at home right now and is not answering any of WWE's calls.


Friday, July 11, 2014

Big WWE/Indy cross-over next year?, full card for NXT RENEGADE, NXT vs WWE and more

WWE has been in recent talks with other main and indy promotions to host a cross-over event either sometime this season or the next off-season in July 2015. The concept is said to be WWE superstars being challenged by representing wrestlers from other companies. It is unlikely for them to do it this coming Season V because of the WWE vs ECW event already planned. So it should be safe to expect this cross-over event to happen in July 2015.

Shaquille O'Neal posted a photo of him and Hulk Hogan on Twitter after the Season IV awards. Shaq was having a blast backstage during the award ceremony and took pics with several WWE superstars. After the big positive response he got at the ceremony and him actually winning the award for 'Guest Commentator of The Season', WWE is looking to contact Shaq for future work with the company.

Shaq posing with Mark Henry.

Speaking of positive reactions from the award ceremony, Ric Flair got a big reaction as well. Due to the positive reactions Flair has gotten at WrestleMania, Insurrextion, and the award ceremony, WWE is looking to use him in a more regular and weekly in-ring and out of ring role. WWE believes they can continue to use Flair as a way to get others over while also keeping interest in older WWE talent.

 Anthony Chandler recently appeared in a sit-down interview on the Opie and Anthony show. Chandler discussed Ryan Nathen, his future in WWE and more. He said that for now he's just going to hang around in the mid-card and let other young stars get a chance to shine. He says he has no problem working in the mid-card and even argued that he's got to work with more people recently than he did when he was WWE Champion:
"Well, it's pretty simple, actually. When I was WWE Champion, there were limits as to who I could or couldn't work with. What I mean is this: in March, I wanted to do a program with The Miz for the Royal Rumble. I FIGURED it'd be a good way to get Mike back on the map. But I was told I couldn't work with him, because there wouldn't be enough time to establish him as a legitmate face and threat to my WWE title. So..I ended up working with The Rock, which was fine. If that doesn't make sense, basically, I could only work with guys like Rock, Cena, Snyder, ect as WWE Champion...I couldn't work with mid-card guys, and when I did, it was barely any fun seeing as most of my matches with mid-card guys as WWE Champion were squash matches. The live events were even worse. I had to face the same guys mostly every single fuckin' day as WWE Champion at those damn live events. Which, by the way, most had me losing by DQ anyway. But as a midcarder, I've been able to expand my match resume and have variety in my matches. So, I think I'm fine in the mid-card for now, as I've gotten to work with some guys I didn't work with last year. Like Ryan Nathen, Brock Lesnar, CM Punk, Triple H, and even Mike fucking Mizanin! So don't be misguided, I'm happy and fine with my current spot on the roster. Putting on a good match and losing is more fun than putting on a squash match and winning. People are so fascinated and obsessed with the idea of being a "top guy" and being up there as WWE Champion that they forget about wrestling as a fun sport and start to think of it as a popularity contest. Well, it's not. It's not about getting all the fame and titles and pushes or whatever. It's about going out there and putting on the best show possible. Just saying."

The full card for NXT Renegade is as follows: 
Corey Graves vs Yoshi Tatsu (Debut)

Zack Poe chooses 2 people to promote to the main roster

Jinder Mahal & Daivari vs The Great Khali

Adrian Neville vs Sami Zayn (C) (NXT International Title)

Tyler Breeze & Dan Mendel vs Baxter Ewers & Aiden English (C) (NXT Tag Team Titles)

Leo Kruger vs Justin Gabriel (C) (NXT Title, steel cage)

Also, the card for NXT vs WWE on July 19:
  1. Aaron Snyder vs Sami Zayn
  2. The Artists vs Curt Hawkings & Zack Ryder
  3. Dan Mendel vs Alex Riley
  4. Justin Gabriel vs Ric Flair
  5. Adrian Neville vs Matt Hardy
  6. Rusev vs The Big Show
  7. Cm Punk NXT Open Challenge
  8. Antonio Cesaro vs Antonio Snyder
  9. Leo Kruger vs AJ Styles

WWE Signs Actor, update on Alan Snyder, more

 WWE has announce today that they have signed Canadian Actor Ellen Page. @WWE We are proud to introduce @TinyCanadian to the WWE family Wwe plans to use her either a GM role or a interviewer for now while teaching her the ropes. Ellen already is favorited by many in the company including names such as Zack Poe, Rush, and Hayden Saxby. 

Alan Snyder has been checked out of the hospital. Doctors said they are going to see how he fares. Surgery is always the possibility. Alan doesn't want to hang up his boots just yet. 


 WWE has signed Brian Kendrick to a one year contract. Brian posted on Twitter that he is in the best shape of his life.

Has Tommy Dreamer been signed to a WWE contract? I can confirm, yes, and Tommy went to Twitter recently with the following post:
"July is intense work-out month!!!...time to prep for AUGUST #BOTR"
Over the past few months Tommy has been using the hashtag BOTR (which is short for 'Back On The Road') but it was assumed that his House of Hardcore company would be going on the road. This appears to not be the case, as House of Hardcore has no plans for the summer. Interestingly enough, August is also the month in which the first episode of ECW since April 2013 will premiere. This coincides with the fact that Dreamer has a WWE contract and has spent the WWE off-season working out and PREPPING for his return to the returning ECW brand, which will premiere on August 12, 2014.


Monday, July 7, 2014

Season IV End Of Year Winners Revealed, Update on Eve, Jonathon Ayers, Mike Muncy, more

Eve Torres, who we know is pregnant with Zack Poe's child, is having a healthy pregnancy. But, recent news has suggested that she is pondering retirement. She stated in a recent interview that she wants to be there to raise the raise the child and not constantly be on the road with the WWE. We wish her best of luck. 
Eve and Zack's wedding is scheduled to happen this Saturday. 

Jonathon Ayers participated in a local nxt event in Wyoming. He wrestled his first match since November after having Severely broken ribs. He said he will not cut down on doing his "620" although WWE has been trying to stop him from doing the move. 

 Mike Muncy posted a picture on Instagram with him and DDP. Muncy has been rehabing from a drug addiction that has kept him from being in WWE full-time since wwe rp ii. DDP has stated Muncy is close to graduating from the program and that Muncy is only focusing on getting back to the ring. 

Backstage reports have confirmed that WWE will depush Zarge. Wwe feels that Zarge isn't "over" with the crowd and will possibly be repackaged. 

The rumors of Batista going to TNA are false and is working to sign a long term deal with WWE.

 There has been talk backstage about Brie Bella's behavior lately. I learned through various sources that officials are upset with her constant treatment toward the new talent. Further details soon.

I have gotten a hold of the full winners for the Season IV Season-End awards, and here they are: 
Match- Alan vs Angle
PPV- WrestleMania IV
Wrestler- Tie between Alan and Poe
Comeback- Tie between AJ Styles and CM Punk
Promoer- Alan Snyder
Diva- Brie Bella
Champion- Wade Barrett
Team- CM Punk and Chris Coleman
Heel Turn- Hulk Hogan
Face Turn- Antonio Snydera
Commentator- Jim Ross
Guest Commentator- Shaq
Manager- Jonathan Crane
Rookie- Ryan Nathen
MVP- Tie Between AJ Styles and Paul Star

I was told by a friend that the award ceremony takes place tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then Wednesday.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Hayden and AJ?, Undertaker return?, Goldust, Paige, update on Alan and much more

Hayden Saxby has thrown two parties in the past few days. One was a hotel party, and a second was a post fourth of july cookout. Hayden was spotted various times by many witnesses as being with April Jeannette (AJ Lee). After the party witnesses outside claim they saw the two going to a hotel. The media has blown up on the possibility of a relationship.
John Parmalee: Lol, Hayden and AJ? More like Kane and Lita GIVE ME A BREAK
(102 likes, 62 comments)
Hayden rp'forthcomingimmensity saxbyrp: Hayden and AJ will take over WWERP BOI. Now I shall find an aj to date...
(35k likes, 2.5k comments)
Ew Hayden
Hayden is a desperate niggah

Undertaker has explained to many family members and close friends that he is pondering a comeback. WWE is gazing the possibility of Undertaker vs Alan or Undertake vs Kane possibly. Taker was last seen at a gym with his wife Michelle McCool in February.

Dolph Ziggler was spotted at an event with Samoa Joe. WWE creative seems to be fired up and plan to possibly depush Ziggler. The event is unknown and this rumor may be far from true. Stick around for more details.

Alan Snyder posted a picture on his instagram of him in the hospital. Much speculation is that Alan has reinjured his back. A surgeon released his medical records to WWE and possible career ending back surgery is a possibility.

WWE congratulates Scott Hall for reaching a milestone of one full year of being clean of not doing any drugs or alcohol. Hall was released from WWE in 2002 and before wrestlemania I (RP I) for his abuse of drugs.
WWE plans to roll the dice on an idea of Paige and Goldust being a powerful duo. Not much details here
WWE creative has deuled the past few weeks on what to do with the Big Show for WWERP season V. Ideas such as him going on a wrecking path, wwe champion, going on a losing streak, and becoming a evil gm have been discussed

Friday, July 4, 2014

Insurrextion gets US air date, what was reaction to the show? Total Divas, WrestleMania in Ohio?

The British pay per view "Insurrextion" has been given a US air date, but it will not be on TV. Instead Insurrextion will be exclusive to US members who have the WWE Network. This was done to boost WWE Network subscribers.

The reaction to the pay per view backstage garnered a standing ovation and has been heavily praised. The two tag team matches and the 2 out of 3 falls match between Alan and Poe were the most praised matches of the night, and WWE is heavily considering returning for the next off-season on June 27, 2015.

Total Divas has been given a page on the WWE website, with bios of the main cast available. Check it out at this link.

Ohio has been bidding to host WrestleMania V at the Horseshoe. Current talks are said to be going well and if the plan goes through, WWE will make the announcement somewhere in September or October.

Nathen and Cranes future, Poe grants wish & is the 2-Day format returning?

Regarding the future of Ryan Nathen and Jonathan Crane, it is believed backstage that the two will remain together throughout season five, with a split happening on the RAW after WrestleMania V. WWE sees bright things in Nathen and they plan to push him heavily, so don't be surprised if Ryan becomes World Heavyweight, or even WWE champion, soon. WWE sees him as a suitable replacement for guys like Alan and the Revolution members. As for what Crane will do after the split-up, it is said that Crane will be sticking around as WWE sees a lot of potentional in him as an on-screen talent. 

Zack Poe granted his 55th wish today for the Make a Wish foundation. This time, he granted the wish of a 12 year old girl suffering from cancer. Her dream was to make an entrance down the ramp with Poe. Poe granted that wish before the cameras started rolling at the Insurrextion Pay Per View. It was reported that he got a standing ovation and much respect from the live crowd and even people backstage. 

There has been some talk backstage if whether the 2-day RAWs would be returning or not. The idea is that the first few months will feature one day RAWs, but towards the Royal Rumble the 2-day RAWs would make a comeback. WWE is expected to release an official word before the end of July.